Tuesday, August 15, 2006



Nikhil Patel became the first Nine.com player to earn money at the World Series of Poker last week in Las Vegas, Nevada. Patel clawed his way to finish 551st out of 8000 entrants. This respectable finish earned the freshman player a cool $22, 266. Not a bad haul for the on-line poker player who won his chance to compete in the WSOP while playing at NinePoker.com. Not satisfied with the all expenses paid trip to Las Vegas, Patel played strong throughout the tournament and it paid off.

Patel surpassed his goal of finishing in the top 10 percent of the field earning a nice sum of cash in the process. Patel’s achievement is a historical one for NinePoker.com. Since being established on-line in September 2005, Patel is the first player to represent NinePoker.com at the prestigious WSOP. Lorenzo Ringwald, Manager of Poker operations, remarked “To have our first player represent us in such a manner is beyond our expectations. We knew we were sending a sharp player, but Nikhil played with a style that represents the NinePoker image; classy, sharp, and confident!” Over the next few months, Patel and NinePoker will be working on future promotions. “We would love to send Patel to the WPT. I can just imagine what havoc his playing style will cause in Atlantic City.” says Ringwald. On-line Poker is not an easy market to compete in. Many rooms exist and the competition is fierce. Some on-line rooms sent more than a hundred player’s to the WSOP this year, sacrificing quality for quantity. NinePoker sent their player in style, this resulted in excellent play reflecting a quality room, and there are 22, 266 reasons not to argue with that.

On-line poker can certainly help prepare the novice, Patel explains: “Going into day one was like walking into a jungle. After surviving the first 24 hours, I settled down and just approached the game like I do on my home PC.” Stories like this inspire on-line poker players everywhere. Patel turned $72.00 into an all expense paid trip to the WSOP and in turn netted over $22,000!
Look for Patel to represent NinePoker.com at the WPT Final in Atlantic City sometime in September.

To celebrate Patel’s achievement Nine.com is offering all depositors over $500 to our Sports, Casino, or Poker room, 2 exclusive entries to the second quarter of our upcoming NFL 4 Quarter Poker Challenge. Deposits must be made between August 15th and September 1. Simply reply to Lorenzo@nine.com after making your deposit to be credited with the entries! Click here for more information on our exciting new tournament which begins September 1! http://www.ninepoker.com/nine_poker_bonuses.asp

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